Monday, 18 November 2013

A little apology...

Hey everyone!

Long time no speak, and its all my fault and I am fully aware I have become a rubbish blogger!

Dear oh dear I have been busy and if I'm honest with you I am still really busy and should probably be writing one of three essays I am still yet to complete...

Does anyone feel my pain here? I am literally snowed under with uni work! Doing a joint honours degree, English and Drama, I find I have to be able to switch between two mind sets so frequently it becomes a little overwhelming. I have so much to do in these final few weeks leading up until christmas, three 2,000 words essays, a 45 minute performance to rehearse for and supporting notes to write for that performance. Woah there, I scare myself just by writing it! The worst thing is my next deadline isn't until March, yeah great planning there uni, really great! 

HOWEVER... there is a shining light at the end of the tunnel! The way in which these deadlines fall means I have NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING, to do over my Christmas break! HOORAH!

So, the point of this post, I haven't forgotten you, in fact I have loads of post floating around for you BUT they wont appear for at least 3 weeks. I really want to get some Christmas content to you and as soon as those pesky essays are handed in and this stupid performance is performed I am all yours!

Do let me know what you would like to see on here, I'd love to have a bit of direction!

I hope you are all well and none of you are as stressed as me!

Lots of love,
au revoir x