Monday, 29 April 2013

Spring has Sprung!

So today I handed in my final essay of the year (where on earth has this year gone?!) and I thought to myself what on earth am I going to do until September???

This quote from Anna Karenina really summed it up today! I am going to make lots of plans to do exciting, fun and productive things in my summer and beyond!

I'd quite like to get a bit crafty and maybe make a few things for my new uni room next year, brighten up the wonder that is student housing! Pinterest will be hit hard for inspiration I'm sure!

I want to go to new places but being a poor student, who is slightly obsessed with beauty products, I have very little money to spend. So, my plan is to stay in the country go on nice little day trips! I'd like to see some more theatre too but unfortunately the same applies!

Ok, so here's my challenge to you, sit down and make a list. A list of lovely things that you want to achieve. Let be productive together!

Let me know your ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Hope you're enjoying the sunshine, I certainly am!

Au Revoir x

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