Well hello there everyone!
I'm back! I have finished my mountain of essays and I am going home for Christmas in 3 days time! Ooft, I'm excited! Today I have packed up most of my things to the sounds of christmassy Buble and tonight we're having take away to celebrate! I know you're jealous.
Today I thought I'd share my current thoughts of University life with you. I have learnt a lot over the past term, most of which has nothing to do with my course content. I have found it particularly difficult to deal with unreliable people this term. Whether its not pulling their weight during group work, remind me again why I chose to do a drama course?! or not paying bills its a struggle. I still can't believe that some people have such different values to mine. It's been really eye opening. I took it for granted that people thought about others before they acted. It's been quite a learning curve and one that has contributed to my decision to move back to the family home to complete my final year at university.
To be honest with you all its not been that tough a decision. I hated living in halls, communal living is not my thing, but I was quite looking forward to moving in with a few girls in our own house this year. Now, don't get me wrong I don't hate it, in fact most of the time I quite like living in our little house, we keep it clean and tidy and it's generally a nice place to be! The only problem, money. Having to sort out bills etc has just proven to be way too difficult, and to be frank I just don't need the stress. After some careful calculations as to how much it would cost to make the 45 minute commute from home to uni every day it just seems silly not to. I am going to be saving me, and my mumma, lots of money and ultimately I know I will be a lot happier.
I have changed a lot since coming to uni and I don't necessarily think that its been for the better. I feel myself being less sociable and less myself more and more. I don't remember the last time I went out at uni, I know. Shock horror! A uni student who doesn't really go out. I just can't be bothered. I don't have a good time and so why waste the money! I loved my time in school and spent a lot of time with my friends now I don't really enjoy uni and I spend a lot of time on my own. Since I started my job in the summer I can feel myself coming back. I am doing something that has confirmed that I want to go into teaching and I really enjoy it! This job is at home, therefore giving me more of a reason to move back. I still have really close friends at home who I will be able to see lots more. I definitely think its the right decision.
So, what I'm trying to say is, if you don't love uni then you are not alone. I am so over people judging me for not going out, or for not enjoying the 'wonders' of halls, what now? Just because the general uni student drinks their own weight in alcohol most nights of the week and loves living in squalor doesn't mean you have to too. Do what makes you happy 'cause that's the most important thing.
I hope this has been vaguely helpful to anyone who is feeling in a similar way. I love reading post like this so hope this will help someone else too!
Lots of love
Au revoir x
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